
Some notes on favourite species of sheep |
Borrowdale (where you will still
find Herdwicks)

An endangered species, following Foot & Mouth in 2002
We have all taken these beautiful beasts for granted over the years and, sadly, it
has taken Foot and Mouth disease in 2002 to bring this special breed to the
nation's awareness. The following is taken from a pamphlet found in the
Tourist Information Centre in Grasmere, Cumbria:
"The word Herdwick is mentioned in documents going back into the 12th
century, and means 'sheep pasture'. Flocks were kept by the monks from Furness
Abbeyon their farms in upper Eskdale at Brotherilkeld, mainly for their
wool. Beatrix Potter had a very keen interest in the breed and, just before
her death in 1942, she left a number of her farms to the National Trust with
the stipulation that Herdwick sheep must be kept, an obligation which still
exists to this day on selected farms. This has resulted in generations of
Herdwick sheep being raised on the same fell sides from which there is
little movement. The elimination of entire herds due to the foot and mouth
disease therefore interrupts this unique phenomenon - merely replacing stock
is not as easy as it seems as, if introduced onto fellsides, it will take
years to become properly established.
Maintaining Herdwick flocks on the
fells is crucial as they assist in producing the landscape we all know,
however in economic terms life is difficult for breeders as the rough
terrain the sheep frequent often means that not all ewes lamb, and very few
produce twins. Herdwick wool has the lowest value of any British Wool, the
sale of which rarely covers the expense of clipping.
Herdwick meat however is a different story, offering excellent flavour and
being recognised as providing high quality. It was the meat eaten at the
Coronation Dinner in 1953".

Herdwick sheep at Ullswater
© RotherROMs
Lake District UK, Cumbria

Herdwick Sheep at Crookabeck
The Crookabeck

Herdwick (and Swaledale) sheep at
High Yewdale - picture by
Tony Richards |

For a friendly sheep who climbs over your web
page, try this little programme. Download it to your
desktop, double click and the sheep appears. The more times you click the
more sheep you get! Don't worry, they go away when you close down the
computer! Right click on the sheep and try different commands (all in
Japanese of course, so it's pot luck) and see if you can find the spaceship
(and other things besides!) . . .
and for bleating sheep, these two .wav
![[SND]](sound2.gif) |
and for sheep who sing Blake's New Jerusalem . . . try
http://www.golakes.co.uk/baarmysheep/or, as
part of an MP3 file:

Visit the
Southdown Sheep Society web site from whence much of the information
below has been gleaned
Southdown sheep has roamed the Sussex Downlands from time immemorial. Around
200 years ago, John Ellman of Glynde, near Lewes, in Sussex commenced a
radical improvement of the breed by selection within the breed - no
outcrossing. His work was continued by Jonas Webb of Babraham in
Cambridgeshire, who developed a somewhat larger animal which was used in the
creation of the other Down breeds. The peak of the
Southdown's popularity was from about 1790 to the 1914-18 War. During this
time they were to be found on many of the large estates in flocks of 1000 or
over, as well as being in the possession of yeoman farmers.
Although it had been exported to many parts of the world,
probably it had its greatest impact in New Zealand, where it was the sire
used in the production of the "Canterbury Lamb", a position it held for many
The Southdown of today has returned to a larger more
active sheep, partly due to the reintroduction of New Zealand and French
Southdowns have been around for centuries, and their
lineage is indisputably ancient, reaching back to a time "older than the
peerage". In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries they were to be found in
quantity especially in and around the area of the South Downs near Lewes in
Sussex, and it was from here they gained their name. It has been estimated that there were some 110,000 sheep in Sussex
in 1341 and their wool was second only to the Hereford sheep in fineness and
quality. In 1813, nearly five centuries later, the Reverend Arthur Young
estimated that there were 200,000 ewes kept on the eastern South Downs and
commented that "the amazing number they keep is one of the most singular
circumstances in the husbandry of England".
The principal reason for the large concentrations of
Southdown sheep on downland farms over these centuries was their crucial
role in the maintenance of soil fertility. The large flocks grazed the open
downs by day and at dusk came down to the lower arable land for folding. The
downland soils tend to be chalky and not naturally fertile so that the
close-folding by the sheep on small areas manured and trod the soil. This
meant that bread wheat could be grown successfully the following year. With
the gradual introduction of new crops such as field turnips, swedes, kohl
rabi and other forage crops the folding system took off as never before,
increasing in parallel with expanding human population. The system reached
its zenith in the 'Golden Years' lasting from about 1845 to 1870 or 80. Then
began the Great Depression. A severe and prolonged fall in the prices of
wool and cereals due to rising volumes of imports from the New Countries was
accompanied by the Wet Years - a six year period of cold wet weather with
little sun.
In 1883 the weather relented but the Depression continued. New men and new
methods in farming were just beginning to move onto the scene but so sound
was the classic downland farming system that even by Queen Victoria's
Diamond Jubilee in 1897 the sheep-and-corn system was still intact. The New
Century brought with it the establishment of pedigree recording. By 1911
there were 359 registered Southdown flocks containing some 114,495 breeding
ewes throughout Britain.
About this time it was noticed that dairy cows were rising in numbers. Fresh
milk could not then be imported and dairying became increasingly important
in farming's economic survival.
But much remained the same until the Great War of 1914-1918 when the large
number of folding Southdown flocks declined with some rapidity, as shepherds
and farm workers went off to war. By 1922 the short-lived War-time farming
boom had evaporated and the 359 pedigree flocks had shrunk to 245. The
number of dairy herds continued to grow apace but from 1922 to 1939 the
registered Southdown flocks hovered around the 200 mark. Folding flocks were
no longer economic and smaller flocks averaged only 135 ewes apiece.
The use of artificial fertilizers had gained ground and the combine-drill,
which sowed grain seeds and fertilizer together, rendered close-folding by
sheep unnecessary. Gradually surrendering to basic arable farming changes,
the Southdown became largely a grassland breed. During the inter-war years
the United Kingdom became known as the stud-farm of the world in all the
farm species and pedigree Southdowns were still being exported to most parts
of the world, with New Zealand taking the lion's share. In 1937 the number
of exported Southdowns reached 459 head.
In 1939 World War II again intervened and the Southdown breed was once more
hit badly. The South Down hills were commandeered for military training,
only fringe farms being left producing milk for the towns, the others
misused as target practice and their very nature changed by the demolition
of all the traditional farm buildings.
http://wildwnc.org/af/southdownsheep.html |
(from an American website)
The Southdown sheep is a very hardy breed of domestic sheep, and is valued primarily for its lambs. Southdowns breed once a year and the
ewes produce more amounts of high quality lambs than any other
breed. Southdowns are often used for crossbreeding with other
species in order to produce more meaty lambs.
Sheep in general were domesticated by man around 8,000 years ago.
The history of the Southdown, however, has only been traced back a
few centuries. Few facts are known about this breed prior to this
time, except that they were a hardy race and probably indigenous to
a restricted area in England, from whence the Southdown got its
name. The Southdown acquired its name from the hills, or 'downs', of
Sussex, England. These rolling hills cover an area of only sixty
miles long and about six miles wide. It is thought that the
Southdown sheep we know today originated from the sheep that grazed
the downs centuries ago.
The introduction of the Southdown to the
United States possibly occurred in the 1600s, when the sheep were
brought to Jamestown, Virginia in 1609 and to Plymouth,
Massachusetts in 1628. By 1676 sheep were plentiful in New England,
and were considered 'native' to the area. However, these sheep were
known to have descended from importations from 1628 and later. These
"native sheep" were called "Irish" or "English Smuts", and were
probably descendants from the old English Southdowns.
By 1900, Southdowns were well established in the United States. The size and
length of the Southdown sheep is much larger today than 300 years
ago due to successful attempts at improving the breed. Improvement
in the American Southdown breed has been accomplished through mutual
cooperation and competition among breeders and will continue to
occur. Although much attention has been given to breeding Southdowns,
this species is still considered a minor breed of domestic animal,
This means that the animal exists in small numbers and is possibly
in danger of extinction. The Southdown, like many other breeds, has
possibly replaced its ancestral counterpart. As agricultural
practices change to meet the needs of the future, the genetic
diversity and valuable qualities of the older breeds become more and
more important.
The American Minor Breeds Conservancy is an
organization dedicated to help save these rare breeds of livestock.
The status of the Southdown sheep is listed as WATCH under this
organization. WATCH means that there are fewer that 2,500 North
American registrations annually and less than 10,000 globally. |

Going under the name of Baby-Doll Southdowns, certain of the surviving
small, original breed of animal have been exported to America, where there
are now a few farms specialising in what they consider to be miniature
animals. The following is taken from an American web site for Sweetwater
Farm, Maryland, at:
"One of the oldest of the English Breeds of
sheep is the Southdown, originating on the South Down hills of Sussex
County, England. These small sheep were know for their extreme hardiness and
produced meat with unmatched tenderness and flavor then any other breed of
"In 1780 John Ellman, realized the potential of these animals
and set out to standardize the Southdown breed.
In England, these small
Southdowns grew in popularity up until 1908 when there were approximately
367 registered flocks totalling about 110,000 ewes. The growth in this
breeds' development slowed in the early 1900's as World War I brought a
sharp decline in their numbers. By the end of the World War II, the demand
for larger cuts of meat had almost forced the breed into extinction.
"It is believed that the breed reached the
United States in 1803. Their popularity grew and later declined in nearly
the same pattern that had occurred in England. The small Southdown could not
satisfy the consumer demand for larger meat cuts. This was a significant
factor in the development and mass production of the larger, leggier
Southdown of today. This divergence from the original breed standards was
the beginning of what would later become two distinct lines: The Southdown
and the miniature (or original) Southdown. In breeding for these larger
characteristics however, many of the original "miniature" attributes were
bred out and nearly lost. Each year brought a further decline in the number
of these "original" Southdowns.
"In 1986, Mr. Robert Mock began a search for the sheep with
the original blood lines and that conformed to the original Southdowns of
the 1700's. However, finding them proved to be difficult. At one point they
were believed to be extinct. After a four-year search, two small flocks
totalling 26 sheep were located; however, this group would not be able to
provide a sustainable gene pool. After an extensive search, a total of 350
of these miniature sheep were located. Many of them still carried their
original Southdown registration papers.
"To distinguish these small sheep from the
larger modern-era Southdown, Mr. Mock named them “Olde English Babydoll
Southdowns". To keep this line pure, a registration was formed. Only adults
two years and older were accepted so that they could be judged against the
original conformation standards as verified by a veterinarian. Each sheep's
registration application was passed before a board of three members of the
Breed Association. After this initial review and acceptance period, the
"Foundation Flock" registry was closed in 1991. The term Foundation Flock is
still used to refer to this original pool of sheep.
the process of registering lambs from this original foundation flock began.
The registry now celebrates many years of success with the
preservation of the “babydolls”. It gives my wife and I great pleasure being
part of the preservation of this wonderful little sheep.
But most of all, they are a
wonderful animal to own… "
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