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Caveat lector:
"For him that
stealeth this book from its owner, let it change into a serpent in
his hand and rend him.
Let him be struck with palsy, and all his members blasted!"

including popular and other songs
The Classical Music Archives
SCA Mediaeval and Renaissance Music Home Page
SCA Renaissance Dance Homepage
SCA Minstrel Home Page
The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft
The Whole Booke of Psalmes: With The Humnes Evangelicall, and Songs
Spiritual. [...] (1621)
Modern editions of the Music of Thomas Ravenscroft
Katriana's Songbook
Cantaria - a library of "bardic"
folk songs, mostly from Ireland, Scotland, and England

Legends : [see also
http://www.joeant.com/DIR/info/get/4385/60990 ]
Greek mythology
Roman mythology
Norse mythology
Celtic mythology
Native American mythology
Mediaeval Legends in Ireland
Arthurian legend

The Online Medieval and Classical Library
The Anthology of Middle-English Literature
Internet Medieval Sourcebook

Environmental, Wildlife and Farming
Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG)
Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Oxford
English Nature, now Natural England

Music-notation programmes:
have a
summary page all to themselves, and from which the following
details are taken:
Allegro [MakeMusic!
Coda Music Technologies; see:
[Macintosh &
Braille music software:
Goodfeel Braille Music Translator “Goodfeel
automatically converts several kinds of music files to Braille
- the same files used to print the score for sighted players. To
prepare and transcribe these files with Goodfeel, you do
not need to know how to read Braille music." [William R. McCann,
Dancing Dot |
Toccata “Toccata may be used to quickly produce
accurate Braille music in a variety of formats, either from
scanned sheet music, [from MIDI,] or from scratch, using
Toccata's Notation Editor...". |
Composer, by
Noteworthy Artware, Inc.; it is ShareWare, so
the demo version isn't crippled; registration (eventual) is about
Create sheet music from midi files (Midinotate)
a shapenote font [Weelyrd
Publishing] [Macintosh & Windows]
"...a shapenote font
that has the shapes for the systems used by Aiken, Funk, Walker, The
New Harp of Columbia, and The Sacred Harp... . The package includes
the printer and screen fonts for the postscript version, and a
truetype version, templates for all shape systems set up for Finale
versions 2.6.1 thru 2000, a printed Font Map showing the keystrokes
needed to evoke each element of the font, and tips and hints for
using Doremi with Finale to typeset shapenote music in a PDF
[NB, this link to Weelryd Publishinghas has ceased to work, and
no trace can be found of the company.]
OMeR (Optical Music easy Reader)
("...the printed music recognition add-on for Harmony Assistant
and Melody Assistant"
Melody Player ("The
freeware player for Harmony or Melody Assistant files." |
Myriad Music Plug-in ("Free plug-in for your
web browser. Play, display, save, transpose and print music pieces
published on the web. Enables you to publish your own music scores."
[Beta]) |
NoteWorthy Composer is "a music composition and notation
processor for Windows. It allows you to create, record, edit,
print, and play back your own musical scores. It will import *.mid
NoteWorthy Player (free)
A freeware player that will
load, notate, and play standard MIDI files, so it can be used a
standard MIDI player. It will also load and play files created by
registered users of the NoteWorthy Composer program
NoteWorthy Composer Browser Plug-in The NoteWorthy Composer
Browser Plug-in extends the capabilities of your web browser to
include the display, play back and printing of *.nwc (NoteWorthy
Composer) song files. NoteWorthy Composer allows you to create,
record, edit, print, and play back your own musical scores. As an
NWC user and web page designer, show your *.nwc song files in
action on your site by embedding the song files to display in the
NWC Browser Plug-in." |
Sibelius [Macintosh &
Gold: "Professional notation software, intuitive and equipped
with an incredible array of functions, adapted to the needs of every
type of user."
Vivaldi Plus [entry-level notation software]
Vivaldi Scan

Society for Creative Anachronism
A Brief Citation Guide for Internet Sources in History and the