Birchington Hall, Birchington, Thanet, Kent
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Scale across
approx. 5 miles
Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright
In the on-line
Catalogue of Papers of William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd Duke of
Portland at Nottingham University, under Part 14: Robert Mylne - Thomas
Pelham - Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle under Lyne, we find under reference:
Pw F 7420 30.9.1795
A letter from T. Pelham [later 2nd Earl of
Chichester, whose seat was at Stanmer Park, Sussex], Birchington [Hall,
Kent] to [W. H. C. Cavendish-Bentinck] 3rd Duke of Portland; 30 Sep
Mentions military
arrangements in Ireland; expresses his intentions of paying his respects
to the King and the Duke of York; expresses concern about Lord William
Bentnick]. 2ff
The additions in square brackets have
been made by Nottingham University.
As mentioned before, there is a footnote in the book by
Edward Walford, The County Families of the United Kingdom, London 1864,
at p. 587
"This family has been located in the Parishes of St John's [Margate] and
Birchington, in the Isle of Thanet, living at Birchington Hall, Isle of
Thanet, near Margate, and Maida Hill West, [London] NW".
before the Lamings settled in Birchington,
the FRIEND family held land there, and elsewhere in Kent, for
several generations, their name first appearing in the registers of the Parish
Church (All Saints) at Birchington in 1620.
The oldest picture of the house which is in the possession of the
Birchington Heritage Trust
is dated 1800 and is titled simply “The Old
House”, with additional wording stating, “now Birchington Place, before
the alterations”. This painting shows an imposing house with a similar
appearance to many of the old Court Houses of the 15th and 16th century.
The Coat of Arms of the Friend Family is pasted on the back of the

Reproduced by kind consent of
the Birchington Heritage Trust |
To quote the history from
the Trust's site
early as 1203 there was a place called “Scottestone” in the area now
associated with Birchington Hall.
In 1674, William Friend held the land known as ‘Scot’s Down’ or
‘Scot’s Land’, which at that date consisted of 40 acres. In that year,
he refused to pay his cess (assessment or rates) to the church and so
was ordered to appear at Canterbury assizes, but he failed to turn up.
He probably paid it in the end, because the following year he is shown
as being rated for 132 acres. This continued until 1680, when the land
was inherited by George Friend, who remained in occupation until about
1703. In 1690 George Friend was rated for ‘Scotsdown’ at £20.
All this while, the house appears to have remained in its imposing but
fairly compact state which we see by the end of the 1700s. Various
members of the Friend family inherited it during this century, including
another George Friend, John Friend and George Taddy Friend. At one
stage, the Friend family paid nearly half the rates levied in the parish
– £616 out of £1,299.
Between 1740 and 1792 the estate was enlarged to
about 148 acres and by this time is clearly called “Birchington Place”.
On the 1840 Tithe Map, the house was in the occupation and ownership of
John Friend Esq, sometimes known as John ‘Birchington’ Friend, to
differentiate him from his relatives, John ‘Brooksend’ Friend and John
‘Taddy’ Friend.
The house was still called ‘Place’ until it was sold in
1852, when it was renamed 'Birchington Hall'."
It would appear therefore that the Laming family purchased all or part
of the Birchington Place Estate in 1852, when it was sold by the Friend
family to James Laming, who moved in aged 62, accompanied by his wife
Anne, and a number of their younger children.
The previous year was the 1851 census year, and at
that time James was living at 26, Maida Hill West, Paddington, together
with his wife Ann (nee Noakes) and their children Alfred (24 -
Occupation, Merchant), Bertha M[atilda] (22), Susan[nah] J[ane]
(19), Benjamin (17 - Schol. Student Med.), Richard (15 -
[Scholar]) and Clara (10 - Schollar). As well as also having a
Cook, Lady's Maid, Housemaid and Footman, they also had with them as a
guest, James Laming, one of their elder sons, aged 32, unmarried and
described as a Merchant in Provisions.
Later on
it is recorded
that Susannah (b. 9th May 1831), although she married Worthington Evans
in Worcester on 28th May 1865, was described as "of Birchington
Hall", and Benjamin (b. 20th June 1833) similarly when he married
Rosalie Sarah Bateman Harcourt on 15th August 1861.
Unfortunately she died on 10th April 1866 in Rotterdam, and Benjamin
married again, also in Rotterdam, three years later.
Kelly's Directory for the Isle of Thanet for 1903 states
as its owner:
Gray, Mrs, Birchington hall,
and the 1901 Census records:
From 1923, Birchington Hall became one of Spurgeon's
Children's Homes, a movement which had started in the Clapham
Road, Stockwell in 1869 when the new building as complete.
A large number of the children who were taken in to
the orphanage at Stockwell were suffering from bad health and so it was
decided to open a home by the sea where the children could enjoy a
holiday and regain their health. Eventually a large house was purchased
in Northdown Road, Cliftonville. Mrs James Surgeon ran the house. It was
also used as a primary school.
In 1917 the Stockwell Orphanage celebrated its Golden
Jubilee at the Queen's Hall in London. To celebrate this event it was
decided to establish another seaside home, this time in Birchington.
Birchington Hall, which fronted onto the Canterbury Road where
Charlesworth Drive is today, was purchased, altered and extended. The
house stood in about 40 acres.
During the [second world] war the building in
Stockwell was bombed and fell into some disrepair. After the war the
trustees came to realise that the Home at Stockwell would not be
suitable for the children's return.

Spurgeons, Birchington in the 1950s |
Group of boys at Spurgeon's in the 1950s |

It was therefore decided to develop at Birchington and plans were drawn
up for the rebuilding of the entire Home on the forty acres site.
By Easter 1953 the new buildings were occupied and
once again the Spurgeon's family were all back in one location. The HRH
Duchess of Gloucester visited the Home in June the following year. |
Birchington's biggest happy family
In 1963 the Home was being described as
Birchington's biggest happy family, with over two hundred boys and girls
enjoying the forty acres well maintained lawns adjoining Park road.
Children from birth to the age of sixteen were taken in, some staying
only on a temporary basis. The Home had a nursery, a chapel, four large
kitchens serving the eleven separate houses. Each house was in the care
of married couples or housemothers. To begin with schooling was provided
on site, but in later years children attended local schools. The yearly
cost of running the Home in 1963 was approximately £52,000.
The site of Birchingon Hall now
The Birch Hill estate now occupies the site and no trace of the happy
and loving community remains. However, perhaps a more tangible epitaph
to Charles Spurgeon's Home are the thousands of children who were given
the chance to live happy and fulfilling lives, after difficult
With thanks to Graham W Hughes, the
Baptist Quarterly Magazine and Bill Evans, and reproduced from
The Online Birchington Roundabout. |